Kim Beer Photography: Blog 2020-03-16T06:46:00Z (C) Kim Beer Photography Kim Beer Photography What You Do Makes a Difference

IMG_4362-EditIMG_4362-Edit I spend a lot of time with life coaches. They have a tendency to change your life. (I know the ones reading this will enjoy knowing that!)

One of the perks of knowing this group of people is that you get some deep insight into your own self. Recently, one of the coaches took me on a journey into my values. This quote resonates with one of my top values: To Make A Difference.

I became a photographer because I wanted to show people what I see when I look at the world. This notion was the driving force of why I chose to pick up a camera. Every time I take an image, even if it is of something most people would find ugly, I take from the angle of making it beautiful. Because that's how I want to see the world. And, I want to make a difference in HOW people SEE their world because I believe if we change how we see, we can find beauty in everything. We just have to make that choice.

In the past few years I have begun to teach photography skills. To this point, it's been primarily business skills and software technical skills. This Spring, however, I will start offering creative workshops here at my ranch. My intention is to teach people how to look at what they see from a new angle — and then tell that story through their images.

This image and quote capture that intention very well. What you do makes a difference. What I see makes a difference. Hailey's gentle hand on her horse's neck makes a difference. The joy of the sunflowers she picked and put in his bridle makes a difference. Everything in the image and it's making was a choice. And it resulted in a beautiful moment. How does it get any better?!

This photo was taken summer 2014 at the EPNet Powderhorn Women's Photography Retreat. You can join me there in August and make your own beautiful images. (go to for more info). Visit our Ranch website for more info on my photography workshops here in Adrian.

Make a difference. Make a choice to see things differently. Make a choice to do things that make a difference.

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Kim Beer Photography (C) Kim Beer Photography 2015-03-06T17:07:03Z 2015-03-06T17:07:03Z